Media AS / A2
Textual Analysis Table- Moving Image

Denotation / what can be seen
Connotation / what is the meaning?
Camera- angle, size and movement
mid shots
close ups
long shots

Editing including any SF
matched cut
L cut 
J cut

matched cut of woman giving birth to woman holding child to show that women are strong and can do sports even after giving birth  
Sound- diegetic, non-diegetic, narration etc.
 non diegetic 
voice over

Mise-en-scene: location, costume, props, lighting
 high key lighting 
 sports equipment
 sports or active activity locations normally associated with males 
 woman doing boxing in a hijab 

 women can do anything that men can do. they can play the same sports  associated with men. women can do what men do and maintain their religion 
